More Altar stuff
Well, I keep coming across more and more stuff that I have. So since we FINALLY found a home, we decided to set up our house altar again.
This is it. It is along the wall that is the exact center of the house, and I hope you recognize everything.
My ordination is hanging on the wall to the left. Staff and Stang in the corner to the right. There’s also a Long Wooden Meditation Flute in that corner that my daughter plays. Our coven Sword is there too.
Details of some of the altar tools:
These are shots of the bone athame that Lupa made for me. It’s now Mary’s ritual athame. The blue leather is how she wrapped it.
Four shots of the Offering Bowl that Lupa also made.
These next shots are of some of the tools that we as a family made at a Pottery Barn one day out. Front/back shots.
On the offering plate for Cakes and Ale, that’s supposed to be a Pineapple (used in Victorian times to show prosperity).
Last, these are miscellaneous items that grace our altar from time to time.
The first is some of the oil lanterns we have, thrifted from various places. Fill with oil or liquid paraffin, and you have a light. The second is a mango-wood round box we use as the salt cellar for the altar. The things on top are bells, and they jingle when you open them. Right now there is Himalayan Pink Sea Salt in there, a gift to us from the previous occupants of this house (read, left behind as unwanted).