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About the delay with the Runes

I tend to be a pragmatist and not really superstitious at all.  But in this case, I have listened to the warnings.

You see, there’s times when you get all kinds of warnings from the universe.  Like any lesson presented, you keep getting the same lessons until you learn the lesson, and only then you can move on to the next one.  I had it happen up close and personally when I was working at Domino’s Pizza once, where I was delivering pizzas.  I had been getting numerous warnings that I needed to quit the job and move on.  The first major warning was that my car’s fan belt shredded and took out a couple components of my car, just as my shift was ending.  I had to have it towed to be repaired while I caught another ride back to the store to cash out.  The next warning was I totaled my car coming back from getting lunch for the rest of the store.  So, lesson learned.

I had gotten sick with the flu here and it took my voice.  That’s why we originally delayed the show on Runes.  Then one night while trying to script out what we were going to say in my head about the Runes, I couldn’t keep my thoughts on the Runes, and instead kept getting distracted.  Then two days later, I was listening to some music and both Galileo and The Highwayman came on, one right after the other.  My mind then went to all the things we could say on Reincarnation, and thus the show was born.

It’s a matter of knowing kismet when it comes by.  It was one of those things were the Omens were pointing to “don’t do this” and then coincidence when other things came along and said “do this instead”.  It’s also one of those marks that really denote the difference between someone who is in tune with the IS and who can read those symbols when they come by.

So, that’s the explanation of why the Runes show is delayed and what happened to replace the show, and why there wasn’t an announcement before we just did it.  I have to say that we were surprised about the change too.

It may come to pass that we will be doing the show on Runes, but I’m not sure.  It all depends on the Omens.  < Wide Evil Grin >


Joy is a Seax-Wican Priestess, a Druid and a Witch. She owns Erin's Journal and is present on a lot of places, most notably Tumblr, Dreamwidth and some email forums. She's co-host of Magical Musings podcasts.

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