Episode 14: Ostara
This show covers:
- The holiday of Ostara
- Celebrations and the cross over to Easter
- Nature
- Reconnecting with Nature
- Ideas for family activities for nature
- being practical about your reconnecting
This show covers:
Okay, call me a complete and total idiot, but apparently the reason the link wasn’t working for our most recent episode is because there was a SPACE at the end of the URL, as in [ ] that area between the brackets.
I feel so stupid.
So, could you all please give us a second chance and come and listen to this now.
In tonight’s espiode, Brian and Joy talk extensively about Spells and the theory behind them.
The next expisode of Magical Musings is up and ready for you to listen to. It’s Episode 13 about Spellcrafting.
Find it at Episode 13!
Okay, we have finally made the entire move off of the Blog Talk Radio servers and everything that we have recorded is up here on Magical Musings.
So, please use our bandwidth!
The new podcast is out! Time to talk about books!
The Episode for Imbolc is up now! Come take a listen to it!
Part of our series on the Holidays, we present our episode on Imbolc.
Discussed in this episode:
I tend to be a pragmatist and not really superstitious at all. But in this case, I have listened to the warnings.
You see, there’s times when you get all kinds of warnings from the universe. Like any lesson presented, you keep getting the same lessons until you learn the lesson, and only then you can move on to the next one. I had it happen up close and personally when I was working at Domino’s Pizza once, where I was delivering pizzas. I had been getting numerous warnings that I needed to quit the job and move on. The first major warning was that my car’s fan belt shredded and took out a couple components of my car, just as my shift was ending. I had to have it towed to be repaired while I caught another ride back to the store to cash out. The next warning was I totaled my car coming back from getting lunch for the rest of the store. So, lesson learned.