About: Brian L.

Brian is an Animist, with Naturalistic-Pantheist leanings, exploring Transpersonal and Ecopsychology. He has a lifelong fascination with myth and folklore, comparative religion, herbs, beekeeping, and rites of passage.
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Posts by Brian:

  • Feedback and questions would be appreciated., 01 Jun 2015 in Articles

    Joy and I wanna invite our listeners to drop us a line on Tumblr (wide-worlds-joy, or cosmic-rebirth), or hit us up in an email (joy@magicalmusings.net, brian@magicalmusings.net), and ask questions, because if we have enough to go for it, we’ll do a Question-and-Answer show for your edu-tainment. Hit us up with questions relevant to your pagan practice, or interest in it, and we’ll do our best to answer them for you in an upcoming show.

  • Is it wrong to set requirements for membership in a group?, 21 May 2015 in Articles

    A follower on my blog once asked:

    Don’t you think that inclusivity and making-space for other people (social politics) have a place in paganism? I often find that there is not enough of this intersectionality.

    Truth be told, I’m not a supporter of mandatory and unconditional inclusiveness. My answer to her was:

  • The Great Work (A YouTube Playlist worth checking out.), 18 May 2015 in Links

  • Pagan posts from my personal blog, 21 Mar 2015 in Links

    A poem: http://cosmic-rebirth.tumblr.com/post/71876293371

    My answers to some questions about paganism: http://cosmic-rebirth.tumblr.com/post/72825394110

  • My Gratitude to Joy, 20 Dec 2014 in Articles

    In our upcoming episode, which Joy is presently working to edit and upload, she took the time to express gratitude for the opportunity to do Tarot Talk, which has led us down the path to this website and our continued work together. The time-delay between Joy’s and my talking prevented me from saying how grateful I am to her for taking-up the offer to do a tarot show, the subsequent MM series, and for doing the editing each episode, and maintaining the website. Thanks, Joy. I hope we have the chance to continue our work together for a long time to come.

  • Q & A Show, 01 Jan 2014 in Articles

    Joy and I wanna invite our listeners to drop us a line on Tumblr (wide-worlds-joy, or cosmic-rebirth), or hit us up in an email (joy@magicalmusings.net, brian@magicalmusings.net), and ask questions, because if we have enough to go for it, we’ll do a Question-and-Answer show for your edu-tainment. Hit us up with questions relevant to paganism and we’ll do our best to answer them for you in an upcoming show.